Reflection (August month)

In August month, I learn about the topic understanding of ICT in Education. From that power point slides, I came to know that ICT plays an important role in 21st century. The some of the Importance of ICT in Education are: We can able to create resource based teaching in the form of images, videos, text and audio. We can easily access to information and resources using ICT. If we have doubt and want to clarify the doubt, we can quickly search for information from the net. "We need technology in every classroom and in every student and teacher's hand,because it is the pen and the paper of our time,and it is the lens through which we experience much of our world"~ David Warlick. Sir stressed on this statement. I also realised that this statement is relatable in this digital world. The another interesting and and joyful thing that I learn in August month is creating of blog. Blog is an online journal or informational website displaying information. I learned how to create my own blog with the help from our ICT tutor. Creating blog was an amazing journey for me because backthen, I saw about blogging a lot from social medias but didn't have a single idea how it works. I came to know that we have to use our private email address when we create blog. Till now, I had no idea that the email address that was provided by the college cannot be used after we graduate from the college. It was new information for me. I came to know that we can upload our presentation in our blog from our google drive. Our teacher told us that uploading our presentation(ppt) file in blog is safe and reliable because it ensures that the presentation remains intact without any changes. On top of that, we don't have to panic even if we have forgot our ppt at home as we can easily access from the blog. I learn how to upload our power point presentation in our personal blog.

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