September month Reflection.

In September month, I basically came to know about the integration of ICT in the classroom. ICT integration in the classroom means use of information and communication technology tools and resources in the teaching and learning process. From this topic, I came to conclusion that there are 3 different level of using ICT in teaching and learning. They are: 1) Basic 2) Mid 3) High level integration. Through this lesson, I became aware that maximising the size of the image also an example of ICT integration because if the image is so small, some students won't be able to see the image and that particular student won't be engaged in learning. However, we we enlarged the size of the image, all the students will be able see and recognise the image. Therefore, the lesson will be more interactive, engaging and effective learning for the students. ICT integration had made collaboration more easier and efficient because we can easily connect with our friends through online platforms. For example: We use menti meter to know our level of ICT integration in the classroom. So we can easily give feedback in short span of time. Menti meter is also one of the interactive tool that we use frequently in the classroom, so that we can engage in real time activities. Another important thing that I learnt this month is making interactive video by using free software tool called Camtasia. We can able to screen record and edit the video. I use KineMaster app in making a short video. It was such a great time using this app in editing my video because in the first place, it was a free educational resource and second, I can able to use this app through mobile which is more efficient for me.

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