Story part 2

Title: The boy from the bus ride. Genre: Fiction Chapter: Two Since it was winter and the weather was so cold early in the morning, Deki was wearing a thick pink hoodie and a black pant. Her neck was covered by a green muffler and she had put a black mask on her face. No sooner had the bus started the engine than she closed her eyes. Deki had only gone to bed at 11.30 pm last night and on top of that, she was woken up at 3.30am by her cousin. Her cousin prepared breakfast for her early in the morning and let her to have breakfast. There were around 30 people of different age group in the bus. Deki was woken up by a loud sound of laughter from the seat in front of her. When she looked around, she saw two boys sitting in the seat ahead of her.Not only were there two of them, but she also saw three other boys sitting in the right row. They seemed like groups friends. Deki doesn't like the aura she was getting from that group of boys. They seemed like bad boys which commonly featured in most of the K- dramas. They were laughing and talking so loud as if that they were the only one in the bus. Deki asked her seat partner what course she was in, and Tshering Yangzom told her that she was taking Bed. Primary. Deki asked whether she had done her exam well or not. Tshering replied it was not so bad. Deki also shared about her exam and how bad it had gone that maybe she will get RA(Re-assessment) this semester. Deki came to know from their conversation that Tshering was from Mongar.After a while, thier conversation came to an end, so Deki just enjoyed her ride by looking outside at the beautiful scenery. She doesn't have the intention of eavesdropping on other people's talk but they were so loud that she heard them say they were paying a visit to their village after working at Thimphu. The group talked about how much cigarette that they take in a day or how they were crazy over shikhar.Deki also heard one of the talkative boy from the group saying that one of them from the group just woken up with his girlfriend in the morning. "Did they have such guts to talk about their girlfriend things because one of the auntie is sitting with one boy from the group" thought Deki and she felt sorry for that auntie. One of them asked the driver to play music on the bus, so the driver immediately played music as requested.They also sang along with the music. As the time went on, maybe they all must have been feeling tired from talking and singing so loudly on the bus, they drifted off to sleep. Deki was startled as the bus came to a sudden stop at Wangkha. People got off the bus to have breakfast at the hotel. Most of the passengers got off from the bus, but Deki and few others remained inside. Deki asked her friend Zangmo to go to the toilet with her. They happened to looked at their reflection in the glass of the hotel. They saw the boys from the bus looking at them from inside the hotel through the glass. "Do you know them? Deki enquired. "No, I don't" replied Zangmo. After that, they make their way towards the toilet. Earlier on the bus, Deki had seen Zangmo talking to her seatmate, so she asked her what she was talking to him about. Zangmo replied that she had told her seatmate not to switch seat with that particular group of boy. This was because Zangmo had seen one of the boys exchanging seats with one of the uncle from back seat of the bus. Zangmo also shared that her seat partner is a college student from CNR and is going to Samdrup Jongkhar to do some field work during the vacation.

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