Assistive Technology

Assistive Technology Industry Association (2023) "Assistive Technology(AT) is any item,piece of equipment,software program or product system that is used to increase, maintain or improve the functional capabilities of persons with disabilities". Assistive Technology helps people who have difficulties in areas like writing, hearing, speaking, seeing,typing, remembering, walking and learning. Three Assistive Technology (Software): 1) Screen Readers- It is a software that enables those who cannot see the screen to access information on computers and smartphones. Screen reader software converts everything that is being displayed on the screen to audio. Screen reader is not only useful for the student with disability but also useful for individuals who have low vision/visually impaired to access and interact with digital content. Screen readers are used mainly by people who do not have useful vision to read text on the screen. A screen reader can also be the product of choice for someone with vision that is useful for travel, but not for reading. In the long run, learning to listen to speech output will prove more productive for such individuals than struggling to read text while leaning close to the computer screen. It reads the text aloud enabling students to listen to information. Therefore it helps students with visual impairments to participate in online classes, complete assignments, and access learning materials, ultimately promoting their academic success and inclusion in the educational environment. Some of the examples of screen readers are:COBRA 10,JAWS and MathPlayer. 2) Speech to Text(Dictation)- Speech to text software, also known as voice recognition software,converts speech to text. Speech to text software makes it easier for anyone to use a computer,but is especially useful for individuals with fine motor impairments like writing. It is helpful for individuals with dysgraphia,dyslexia and other learning and attention issues that impact writing. It is not only helpful for people with disabilities but also for the people who are not much familiar with keyboarding. Speech to text software is useful for students in learning as it allows individuals with physical disabilities to type,to easily convert spoken words into written text. This software enables students to dictate their thoughts, ideas, and responses, which can then be transcribed into written form. Therefore it helps students to participate in classroom discussions,complete written assignments, and take notes during lectures or while reading. Additionally, speech to text software can also assist students in organizing their thoughts and improving their writing skills by allowing them to focus on their ideas rather than the physical act of typing. Overall, speech to text software promotes accessibility and inclusivity in the learning environment for students with physical disabilities. 3) Screen Magnifier(Screen Magnification Software): It enlarges text, objects and graphics on a computer screen. It magnifies the contents of a screen, increase colour contrast and perform other visual modifications to the screen. Screen magnifiers are used by people who have low vision but can still see well enough that they don't want to use a screen reader to access the computer. Screen magnifiers can magnify all items on a screen, including the mouse pointer, text cursor, icons, buttons and title bars. Screen magnifiers are useful for students in learning as they can help students with visual impairments or difficulties in seeing small text or details on the screen. By magnifying the content, students can comfortably read and interact with the material without straining their eyes. It can assist students in focusing and staying engaged with the content. Therefore,students will be able to complete their work on time and submit their assignments on time. Assistive technology can benefit a wide range of students with diverse needs. It can be particularly helpful for students with learning disabilities,ADHD,visual impairments,hearing impairments,physical disabilities,and cognitive impairments. Additionally,students with language difficulties,executive functioning challenges,or difficulties with attention and focus can also benefit from assistive technology. The above mentioned assistive technologies can provide support,enhance accessibility,and promote independence in learning. Assistive technology provides accessibility,allowing students with disabilities or learning difficulties to access and engage with educational content on an equal basis with their peers. This inclusivity promotes a more inclusive and diverse learning environment. It supports students in developing and strengthening their skills. It can provide customized and individualized support based on the specific needs of each student, helping them overcome challenges and reach their full potential. Not only above mentioned points but also promotes independence and self-confidence. By providing tools and resources that cater to their specific needs,students can take control of their own learning journey, becoming active participants in the classroom and beyond. As a result,it increases engagement and motivation of students. Assistive technology and adaptive technology are terms that are often used interchangeably, but there can be some subtle differences in their meanings. Assistive technology is a system which is used to improve the functional capabilities of people with disabilities or learning difficulties. Assistive technology can be used by people with disabilities well as by other regular people. Assistive technology is a broad term that encompasses a wide range of technologies,including both hardware and software solutions. On other hand,adaptive technology/ equipment is a subcategory of assistive technology whereby it is specifically made or designed for people with disabilities. I think assistive technologies are very important for all the people in this digital era because it makes our life easier and meaningful. The 3 assistive technology that I had mentioned does not only help people with disabilities but also other people. For example, speech to text software can be used by people who are slow in keyboarding.

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