Story part 1

Title: The boy from the bus ride. Genre: Fiction. Chapter: One Deki is a trainee of Paro College Of Education, and she was finally relieved because she just finished with her last exam paper of 3rd semester. She excitedly packed her things with her two roommate Karma and Choki. After that she went to Thimphu with Choki and her boyfriend. Her friend Karma had already left with her cousin to Wanduephodrang. She stayed at Taba for three days with her cousin. It has been almost two years since Deki was last in her village, so she was excited to meet her parents after a long time. Her cousin got a direct Thimphu- Samdrup Jongkhar bus ticket which will be travelling via India. She was elated upon hearing the news because she would be able to reach Samdrup Jongkhar in a day, unlike before last year where she had to travel by crossing many dzongkhag because of covid situation. Deki will be going with one of her junior friend, Zangmo from college. They had to reach at the bus station at 5 am and the journey will start from 5.30am. Deki was given a ride by her friend Zangmo's sister and brother-in-law from Taba to Lungtenzampa. When they reached there, there were some vehicle which came to drop the people who would be travelling in the same bus with Deki. Deki saw some were buying chips and momo where some were hugging each other tenderly. One act caught Deki's attention. A mother is telling her daughter to be careful in the bus ride because it was her first time travelling alone. The mother repeated again and again that one of her aunt and uncle will come to receive her once she reached Samdrup Jongkhar bus booking. She told her daughter that all she had to do was to call her aunt and uncle when she reached there. Deki thought that a mother's love will never end, it is there from beginning till the end. While Deki was lovingly watching the bond between that unknown mother and daughter, the mother spoke to her " Are you travelling to Samdrup Jongkhar in this bus" pointing at the bus. " Yes... yes... I am" confirms Deki. "Ohhh, it's great because my daughter will be travelling alone since her college friend left three to fours days ago and she has to complete some business here in Thimphu" the mother said. "Don't worry auntie, afterall we were in the same bus. By the way, which college is she studying at?" Deki asked. That kind looking mother replied "My daughter studied at Paro College Of Education". Deki said "I am also attending the same college as her but I didn't saw her even once. Which year is she in?" The mother told Deki that her daughter is in first year which is not surprising for Deki because she hardly know the name of her classmate. That auntie was quite relieved after hearing that Deki was also a trainee of PCE and on top of that her daughter and Deki were sit partner. She told Deki to help her daughter through the journey which she doesn't have to because it's only one day ride from Thimphu to Samdrup Jongkhar. Some passenger were not able to turned up on time, so that's why the bus journey only started at around 6.30am which is thirty minutes late from the fixed time. Deki is not so fond of travelling in vehicles because she easily get motion sickness but the case is different when she travel in bus. So she let Tshering Yangzom to take the window seat as asked by her mother. Deki later came to know that the name of the daughter is Tshering Yangzom. Zangmo is one seat away from Deki and she had a boy as her seat partner. Actually Zangmo didn't get the window seat but she just take her partner's seat because she get motion sickness. Her seat partner is okay with her taking his seat. Deki thought that he is quite understandable and a kind boy.

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