
Assistive Technology

Assistive Technology Industry Association (2023) "Assistive Technology(AT) is any item,piece of equipment,software program or product system that is used to increase, maintain or improve the functional capabilities of persons with disabilities". Assistive Technology helps people who have difficulties in areas like writing, hearing, speaking, seeing,typing, remembering, walking and learning. Three Assistive Technology (Software): 1) Screen Readers- It is a software that enables those who cannot see the screen to access information on computers and smartphones. Screen reader software converts everything that is being displayed on the screen to audio. Screen reader is not only useful for the student with disability but also useful for individuals who have low vision/visually impaired to access and interact with digital content. Screen readers are used mainly by people who do not have useful vision to read text on the screen. A screen reader can also be the product of choice fo

October month Reflection

In October month, we learn about communicative tool. Communicative tool means any device, method or software which is used to facilitate communication between individuals or groups. Communicative tool can include verbal communication,written communication and visual aids. But in this ICT module,we had focused on digital platforms/technology that enables people to exchange information and ideas through internet. Social media, email and video conferencing falls under communicative tool. But as a future teacher, we had focused more on platforms that will use in the school. We learn how to create goggle classroom under communicative tool. Google classroom allows teachers to create and organise assignments,distribute and collect work,provide feedback,and communicate with students. Students can access their assignments, submit work and communicate with their teachers and classmate through the platform. I had used Google classroom during Covid-19 time, that is in the year 2020 for the first


The video is about how to create a Google classroom. To create a Google Classroom, follow these steps: 1. Sign in to your Google account and go to Google Classroom. 2. Click on the "+" sign in the top right corner and select "Create class." 3. Enter the class name, section, subject, and room location (optional). 4. Click "Create" to create the class. 5. Once the class is created, you can add students by clicking on the "People" tab and then "Invite students." 6. To add materials and assignments, click on the "Classwork" tab and then "Create" to add assignments, quizzes, questions, or materials. 7. You can also organize your class by creating topics for different subjects or units.

October month Photo-3

Below is the photo that I had captured when our class learn how to write letters or articles in goggle docs. Sir had divided us into groups and let us to writein goggle docs. From this class, I came to know that we can work in collaboration even if we are not physically together. So, writing an article or whatever falls under Co-constructive tool. Our group write an articleon the topic "True Friends".

Story part 4

Title: The boy from the bus ride. Genre: Fiction Chapter: Four He shared that it was his first time going to Samdrup Jongkhar especially through India. Their conversation was interrupted by a phone call. He excused himself and answered the call. After finished attending the call, he mentioned that it was his father and explained that his father was worried about him travelling alone for the first time. He also mentioned that his father was waiting for him at Phuntsholing gate. Deki took some chips from her bag and offered them to her seatmate but she refused, saying she also had chips in her bag. Zangmo also refused the chips, so Deki shared her chips with the boy. She took two bottles of coke from the bag and offered one bottle to him. They ate the chips and continued their conversation. Deki was exhausted from the long ride, so she took a nap. The bus stopped at the Phuntsholing gate for CPMS. Zangmo's seatmate went outside to meet his father. When he came back, he told D

Story part 3

Title: The boy from the bus ride. Genre: Fiction Chapter :Three Deki and Zangmo went back to their respective seat after some time. Deki took a packet of chips from the black plastic which was inside her bag pack. She shared the chips with her seatmate. Zangmo was not feeling well, so she refused to take anything during the break. Some passengers came back after finishing their breakfast while others were still busy in the hotel. Zangmo's seatmate also came inside the bus carrying a small backpack and a mineral water bottle in his left hand. He silently took his seat and called someone on his mobile. Deki heard him say that the journey from Wangkha would start soon. She guessed the person on the other line was his father because she heard him saying "Apa" in the call. Meanwhile, the group of boys came back from the hotel and they reek of cigarettes. Deki and her seat partner looked at each other and shook their head. The boy who was infront of Zangmo looked at me

September month Reflection.

In September month, I basically came to know about the integration of ICT in the classroom. ICT integration in the classroom means use of information and communication technology tools and resources in the teaching and learning process. From this topic, I came to conclusion that there are 3 different level of using ICT in teaching and learning. They are: 1) Basic 2) Mid 3) High level integration. Through this lesson, I became aware that maximising the size of the image also an example of ICT integration because if the image is so small, some students won't be able to see the image and that particular student won't be engaged in learning. However, we we enlarged the size of the image, all the students will be able see and recognise the image. Therefore, the lesson will be more interactive, engaging and effective learning for the students. ICT integration had made collaboration more easier and efficient because we can easily connect with our friends through online platforms. Fo

Video -1

I make this short video using app called KineMaster. We learn how to make video using Camtasia in the classroom. Camtasia is one of the free interative video tool that we can use. Our tutor told us that there are many other free interactive video tool that we can use, so I downloaded an app called KineMaster and make a video about singular and plural noun.༼གཅིག་ཚིག་དང་མང་ཚིག།༽

September month Photo-2

The photo that I uploaded below is about the activity that we done in pair in the classroom. I done that activity with Ngawang Choden. The activity is based on integrating computer as an informative tool. Firstly, we set 3 learning obectives for the student. To achieve that 3 learning goals by the student, we provide information from relevant sites by giving links, so that student can access the information from google and youtube by clicking the link that we had provided.